Apply for loan


Our Company recommends credible Entrepreneur/viable projects to Investors that are looking for a good business plan/Entrepreneurs to invest and manage funds on a short and long term. The terms are 2% interest rate per annum, time duration is 10 year and 1 year grace period. Our company works as intermediary between investors and local partners to recommend on merit a reputable Private Individual/ Company Owner with good financial standing to receive and invest between Ten Thousand USD ($10,000.00) to Five Hundred Billion ($500,000,000,000.00) USD in a secure High Risk/Low Risk Investment/ projects that will generate a good Return on Investment (ROI) annually.

Buy everything and anything you ever desired with just a click. Personal and business loan is a blessing in disguise to get an instant loan for business expansion, travel, wedding expenses, home renovation, etc. Our loan is an unsecured loan that can be used for a variety of personal end uses or any other urgent financial requirement. The major benefit of an unsecured loan is that the users do not require pledging of any collateral or asset to avail of your instant loan. With Halifax Group, the process is made a lot easier, one can apply online to get an instant loan. NO COLLATERAL REQUIRED

Provide us with this basic information as we need to create a loan application form for you: Forward these your basic details to our Email:

  • Full Name.......
  • Business Name ........
  • Country ........
  • Contact Address .......
  • Phone Number .........
  • Amount of Loan Applying For ........